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We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and those hours can be divided into three parts: 8 hours for work, 8 hours for sleep, and 8 hours for ourselves. But let me tell you, those last 8 hours are the ones that truly matter because they are about what you choose to do with your free time.
One day, my daughter Stephanie surprised me with grape plants from Lowe's. In the first year, they yielded an impressive 30 pounds of grapes. This unexpected bounty sparked my curiosity. I went online, found a book, and learned how to make wine from those grapes. Some people might call it a hobby, but to me, it was a way to be self-sufficient and use what we had from our grape harvest.
As time passed, we honed our winemaking skills, and after a few years, we created 200 gallons of wine, the most allowed for a family by the government. But it wasn't just about the wine; it was about something much more significant. It brought me closer to my children and filled our lives with fun and joy. Ask about the Banana wine on the Tour!
I often joke that my day job at the Subaru store is a Half Day, usually 8 hours. In my mind it is only part time as I still have eight hours in the day before bed. This leaves plenty of extra hours to enjoy my family and create something truly special with long-term value. In our case, we built a winery.
We are blessed that so many of you share that family time with us at the winery. It is our priveldge to be part of your day and it brings us great joy.
So, I ask you this: After you've put in a full day's work and spent a few hours with your family, what will you create that has lasting value before you call it a day?
Through our blog, we invite you on an immersive adventure through our vineyard and cellar, where tradition meets innovation and the terroir breathes life into our grapes. Delve into the intricacies of our winemaking process, as we reveal the meticulous steps taken from grape selection to aging, all in pursuit of creating wines that embody the soul of our family heritage.