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Adopt-A-Vine $119

Become a member of the Adopt-A-Vine program and be a part of Averill House Vineyard history.
Receive a certificate of adoption, name plaque on vine. Both years receive a wine tasting and vineyard tour for up to four adults, along with two commemorative Averill House Vineyard wine glasses, and one bottle of wine per a year during membership.* 
Don't forget your two tickets to the Wine Masters Holiday Event!
Join us for special opportunities on events and discounts (10% off on gift shop merchandise)
 Program runs for two consecutive harvest-years. A $279 Value.
*2022 is the seventh year of growth, limited wine available. Your wine certificate gives you first production choice when available. Wine value $25 per bottle.

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  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • AmericanExpress
  • Discover

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Create a password so that you can login to view club details. You will also be able to save your information for the checkout process in the future.

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